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How to Make Brain Sharper and Boost Memory Naturally

Eating right doesn’t only make you healthy but can make you smarter as well. There are various foods which can make your brain sharper naturally. So, if you are a student preparing for your exams then follow this article carefully, it can be the key to top your exam.

Nuts – Almost any kind of nuts are really good for good memory and over all brains health.

Walnuts are the best one of them for your brain because it contains DHA, omega-3 fatty acid among other goodness. A studies have showed that mothers who would get enough DHA during pregnancy, have smarter kids.

Almonds are considered to be one of the best brain foods with their unique nutrition value. Almonds have niboflavin and L-carnitine, two key nutrients capable of positively affecting neurological activity. This is why adults advise to eat almonds to reduce the chances of inflammation and Alzheimer’s. Plus they are great for a natural healthy skin as well.

Hazelnuts are full of Vitamin E, manganese, thiamine, folate, and fatty acids. If you can take them timely it will make your brain sharper in no time. When provided with a dietary supplement hazelnuts were tested for their neuroprotective qualities. Hazelnuts are also folate foods, helps slow brain-related degenerative disorders in older adults.

Peanut are high in niacin, studies have shown that niacin deficiencies with a higher incidence of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s. Peanut is also great for hair problems as it contains Vitamin E.

Blueberries – This one fruit is probably the best one to increase your smartness. It is a natural candy that also have Vitamin B, which can be good for your health as well as your brain. Blueberries are rich with antioxidants and gallic acid, it helps to reduce oxidative stress on the brain. Makes your brains learning capacity stronger and improve motor skills.

Coffee – Caffeine and your brain have deeper connection than you think. Maybe sipping on the cup of coffee the night before your exam prevents you from sleeping. But it does more than just keeping you awake, coffee beans helps to block adenosine which keeps your brain cell running. Studies also show that caffeine improves learning by up to 10% by relieving headaches and migraines. Coffee is the easiest and quickest way to improve brains performance.

Dark Chocolate – This is probably the best food which benefits us greatly. Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, they can all be prevented with this yummy goodness. Plus you can concentrate and learn more quickly if you eat chocolate during your studies. They have a good source of Vitamins and they are good for blood flow in your brain as well as protect your brain against free radical damage.

Eggs – If you are just having egg whites for your weight loss goals then you might want to re-think your decisions. The yolk is the best part of an egg which helps your brain function more properly. Yolks contain large amounts of choline, which helps in fatal brain development for pregnant women. But if you are still conscious about you weight, there’s a good news for you. Studies shows that egg yolks can raise good cholesterol levels in healthy adult’s body, but you just have to make sure you are buying organic eggs.

Citrus Fruits – All the sour fruits that you enjoy is actually good for your brain and they are filled with ascorbate or Vitamin C, a vital antioxidant molecule for the brain . Enjoy them in your salad dressing or as a snack and make your memory stronger.

Lime has potassium which helps in brain function and prevents cramps too.

Lemons can greatly help you if you are looking foods for brain health. These are also high in potassium and magnesium, which helps for brain function. A glass of lemon juice will help you to concentrate on your work majorly and also can make you feel refresh.

Oranges have several beneficial components such as potassiu m, folate and various antioxidants which are helpful for neurological activity. Potassium is known to increased blood flow in the brain, concentration, neural activity.

Grapefruits also have the same nutrients as the other citrus fruits plus they are high in fibre and low on calories. So, eating a grapefruit can be beneficial for both brain and your weight loss goals.

Leafy Vegetables – This is the most common food for brains as they come. Green, leafy vegetables are having always been the best agent for improving brain performance. These vegetables are packed up with Vitamin A and K, which fights inflammation. Especially kale is known for its benefits among adult and doctor recommend having a serving of this vegetable daily.

Fish – Fishes are master foods for brain. Oily fishes which are packed with omega-3 fatty acid that helps your brain function smoothly and help get rid of brain fog. Salmon is one of those fishes, if you add salmon in your diet daily, you will start to feel the changes. Apart from salmon; Saradines, anchovies and lake trout are also filled with omega-3 fatty acids. So, you don’t have to become bore by always having salmon.

Avocados – Even though, Avocados are no good for your weight goals but they are great for your brain. They are also good for preventing high blood pressure. The presence of Vitamin K and Folate, prevents blood clots in your brain cells plus helps cognitive function. Having avocado routinely can improvise your concentration and memory.

Rosemary – Rosemary oil is beneficial in various way, we already know that. However rosemary contains Carnosic acid, the main ingredient to prevent neurodegeneration. Rosemary is used in aromatherapy for years for boosting brain function as well.

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